Course Catalog
Texas A&M College of Nursing offers the following courses for continuing education credit. Please note that courses typically close up to three weeks prior to the start date. Events can close earlier than the date shown if the maximum number of participants is reached prior to the close date. We recommend registering early to ensure access to a particular course. If you have questions about registration for an event on this page, please contact us at Please note registration for events hosted virtually is still required, even if free-of-charge, to provide connection information closer to the event date. Courses are listed below alphabetically by official course name.
How to register (IHS specific): CEFN Course Registration – A Step-by-Step Guide

Advanced Forensic Nursing Skills Lab
This course provides a structured learning environment for the intermediate Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) to interact with patients who have experienced sexual assault with complex, complicating factors. The learner will provide trauma-informed, person-centered care and conduct sexual assault examinations on patients and perform evidence collection in a simulation environment.

Forensic Nurses and Child Life Specialists: Building Blocks for Pediatric Care
This course provides the forensic nurse with education regarding collaboration with the Child Life Specialist to provide developmentally appropriate care for the pediatric forensic patient.

Forensic Nurses: Suspect Examinations
This course discusses the use of suspect exams during forensic care. Suspect exams are extremely valuable for multiple types of exams besides just sexual assault (i.e, homicide, child abuse, intimate partner violence, etc.).

Human Trafficking: Medical Response
This virtual course covers the basics of the medical response to human trafficking and meets the requirements and is approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission in accordance with House Bill 2059, 86th Session, 2019. This course is for all learners - Texas and non-Texas learners.

IPV and Pregnancy: What Forensic Nurses Need to Know
This course provides registered nurses and forensic nurses the education to recognize the subtle signs of IPV and appropriately intervene to ensure safety for those involved.

Medical Forensic Photography Bootcamp
This course provides a hands-on opportunity to learn photography of injuries. Forensic photography techniques will be discussed, and learners will be able to practice with photography equipment.

Mock Testimony Simulation Course
This simulation course provides Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) with education regarding criminal courtroom testimony. This course meets the courtroom observation requirements for the Texas SANE certification.

Person-Centered Adult Sexual Assault Simulation (4-Day Hybrid Course)
This course provides education for the new and already practicing Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner to become comfortable interacting with patients who have experienced sexual assault. Participant will learn to conduct speculum insertions and detailed anogenital assessments utilizing trauma-informed language and care. In addition, attendees will conduct multiple simulated sexual assault examinations with evidence collection.
The learner completes 10 pelvic examinations and 2 of the 4 simulated medical forensic examinations that can be used for future Texas CA-SANE certification.

SANE Coordinators Meeting
Attendees will analyze current legislation as it applies to forensic nursing practice, evaluate various leadership styles, and explore practices that prevent incivility in forensic nursing programs.

SAFE Education Course: Adult/Adolescent
This course provides the foundation for practicing as a Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner for the adult/adolescent population who has experienced sexual assault. The subject matter includes aspects of culturally appropriate and responsive care for the American Indian/Alaska Native adult/adolescent patient populations impacted by violent crimes (e.g., sexual abuse, domestic and intimate partner violence, strangulation, human trafficking, etc.). This course adheres to the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines.

SAFE Education Course: Pediatrics
This course provides the foundation for practicing as a Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner for the pediatric population who has experienced sexual assault. The subject matter includes aspects of culturally appropriate and responsive care for the American Indian/Alaska Native pediatric patient populations impacted by violent crimes (e.g., sexual abuse, domestic and intimate partner violence, strangulation, human trafficking, etc.). This course adheres to the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines.

Strangulation Simulation Bootcamp
This course provides attendees with hands-on experience in developing skills related to the strangulation assessment and documentation. Attendees will have the opportunity to practice skills with standardized patients, along with the tools to appropriately gather a history and assess for strangulation in patients who have experienced trauma and violence.

Texas SANE-Forensic Nursing Education Course: Adult/Adolescents
This course provides the foundation for practicing as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. Topics covered include forensic nursing concepts, basic evidence collection, injury identification, trauma-informed care, human trafficking, roles of the multi-disciplinary team members, conducting the medical-forensic examination, and more. This course adheres to the IAFN Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines.

Texas SANE/Forensic Nursing Education Course: Pediatrics
This course provides the foundation for practicing as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner for the pediatric population who has experienced sexual assault. Topics covered include pediatric anogenital anatomy, pediatric medical-forensic examination, gathering a history from the pediatric patient, role of child protective services, sex offenders, pediatric strangulation, intersection of child maltreatment and domestic violence, and more. This course adheres to the IAFN Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines.

Well-Child Assessment Simulation
This course provides a structured learning environment for the new Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner to become comfortable talking with and conducting a head-to-toe physical assessment on children at different developmental stages. This course meets the Well-Child Examination requirements for the Texas SANE certification.